[JAF Regional Championship JAF-F4 Championship Round. 5]

JAF-F4 Official Qualifying Official Results Table
WEATHER : Cloudy COURSE : Dry Road Course 4.801379Km
Pos. No. Class Name Type Time Delay Gap Lap CarName
1 34    Katsu MiuraUOVA 1'55.767149.31km/h 8/10 CMS090
2 56    Yasuki KonoFormula Renault 1'56.207 0.440 0.44010/10 CMS RISING
3 17    Kogura KamitsuMC090 1'56.725 0.958 0.51810/10 OAC-MC090
4 26 H  Koji UchiyamaWEST056 1'58.321 2.554 1.5968/10 KRac WINMAX 056
5 72    Anna InotsumeNATS001 2'01.119 5.352 2.7986/10 Team NATS - Justice - 001
6 46 H  Hidenori IwaiWEST056 2'01.487 5.720 0.3688/9 Apollo Electric. Fujita Pharmacy. MT.
7 47    Kohei TokumasuMC090 2'03.839 8.072 2.3522/2 Apollo Electric. Fujita Pharmacy. MT.
Qualified vehicles:
  19    Hammer IzawaGaleUnable to measure  0/1 Hammer Racing ☆ Hayate

Due to the recovery of stopped vehicles near Turn 1 and the hairpin corner, there was a red flag interruption from 8:58:52 to 6 minutes and 8 seconds,
and with the approval of the judging committee, the remaining time was set to 15 minutes.

Start time: 08:55'00 End time: 09:20'00

Qualifying Pass Criteria Time (130%) 2'31.102