[2014 Motegi Road Race Championship Round 3]

CBR250R DREAM CUP Interclass Final Official Results
WEATHER : Rain COURSE : Wet East Course 3.422115Km 3.42212km
Pos. No. Rider Type Lap Total Time Delay Gap Best Lap Team
1  29  Minoru NakagawaCBR250R9 16'23.448112.74km/h  1'46.8248/9 Motobam with Hippopotamus  
2  93  Taniwaka SohyoCBR250R9 16'36.439 12.991 12.991 1'48.9324/9 SO YOU TECH PLUS ONE  
3  41  Yoichi OkitoCBR250R9 16'49.318 25.870 12.879 1'49.7907/9 Auto Technique Sports  
4  53  Takahiro KoyamaCBR250R9 17'11.858 48.410 22.540 1'52.4298/9 OSP RACING TEAM  
Ranking Certification:

Number of participants: 4 vehicles Number of entries: 4 vehicles

Best lap time during the race: No 29 Minoru Nakagawa Motobam with Hippopotamus 1'46.824 8/9 115.33km/h

Number of Laps: 6

Due to the No. 24 engine stall on the grid, the domestic competition regulations Appendix 4 Section 17 Item 17-4-11 (Delayed Start) were applied.
This delayed start resulted in the application of domestic competition regulations Appendix 4 Section 17 Item 17-4-11-1, reducing the race to 9 laps.
Additionally, the cause, No. 24, was subject to domestic competition regulations Appendix 4 Section 17 Item 17-4-11-2, starting from the last position of the empty grid.