[Super Taikyu Series 2013 Round 3]

Super Endurance Final Official Results Table【ST-2】
WEATHER : Fine COURSE : Dry Road Course 4.801379Km 4.80138km
Pos. No. Team/Car name A Driver B Driver C Driver D Driver Lap Total Time
Type Best Time (L) Best Time (L) Best Time (L) Best Time (L)
1  59STURM MOTUL.ED ImprezaManabu Osawa Toshihiro Yoshida Koji Matsuda   137 5:00'51.628 
   GVB 2'07.363(37) 2'06.503(34) 2'05.759(66)     
2  20RS Ogawa ADVAN LancerMasazumi Ohashi Ryohei Sakaguchi Toshihiro Kubota   129 5:01'49.116 
   CT9A 2'06.679(59) 2'05.665(70) (0)     
3  30RS Ogawa ADVAN LancerMasato Narusawa Takuma Aoki Fumio Koyama Junichiro Kishi 127 5:01'50.472 
   CT9A 2'13.689(34) 2'09.709(32) 2'16.570(28) 2'14.198(33)   
4  6Shinryo Auto ☆ DIXCEL EvoTomohiro Tomimasu Yasushi Kikuchi     118 5:00'49.984 
   CT9A 2'06.725(59) 2'06.461(59)       
5  7Shinryo Auto ☆ J-ROCK EvoMikajima Mika Yoshiki Fujii Koji Endo   107 5:00'38.766 
   CT9A 2'08.197(28) 2'09.401(45) 2'09.449(35)  (108-1)  
Ranking Certification:

Start time: 12:22'35 End time: 17:22'56

BEST TIME No 20 RS Ogawa ADVAN Lancer 2'05.665 107/129 137.55km/h

Regulated number of laps 95

※ Introduction of Safety Car: 2 laps after 5 laps completed: To recover stopped vehicles near corner 5

No.7 Super Taikyu Series 2013 Sports Regulations Article 15(10) Violation (Tire work during refueling),
resulting in a one-lap deduction from the competition results. [Decision time 17:02]